Now to get the company going you need merchandise to sell. The CEOs of the company asks that if anyone can help BUILD some computers that they would really appreciate it. Hightimes and Cubs have built thousands already but would like to be prepared if demand outweighs supply. Most people can help but no one is forced, (Which I happily did, despite initially not being able to) very few whine that they cant build computers because they just did for another company. (Cause we needed my 20 million when we never even used 25% of the initial money donated

We only used about 800 mill to get into PC, and that frequently was said to be the amount in the 'hole' we needed to earn back to have made a profit) So now the company has a product and employees to sell this product who are all for the most part happen to be friends. IBM is ready for business. (This is really grasping for things to get mad about, lol, but I'll play along anyways.)
IBM becomes successful and hires more employees to just sell computers, the company has sold enough that they can afford manufacturing factories to build the product. And product begins piling up. (In the wallets of no one but directors until close to july, usually if this were comparing to real life people get I owe you's for money that will be paid for that time, or perhaps stock in the company, but no worries, it's a video game and this analogy is stretched as it is,

As time passes salespeople come and go, fun is had by most and the drama is minimal. Most people love selling computers for IBM. Other companies are successful selling computers too, they are wise with their investments and good to their salespeople and this reflects both in the number of their factories and the MORALE of their salesTEAMs. Somepeople, like Xero, hated selling computers with a passion, but do it anyway because he liked spending time with friends at IBM. Eventually he has had enough and moves on, lots of people get bored selling computers and just move on. (And some salespeople were promoted to the board of directors

, even 1 that had stolen money before, oh wait this isn't the part about credit checks yet.)
One salesperson starts telling other salespeople he doesn't think they are pulling their weight, that they dont know how to sell, and is literally screaming at them, during and after every salesday (Xero? That's not nice!). Now people start quitting left and right. (humorous insinuation, especially because I was gone playing FF long before I complained that Xero was right, that we started recruiting less talented players) Who would blame them? (No one, if this was remotely the truth, but wait, many of those same people don't remember it that way and went to go kickstart another company that sells computers!) This person whined about not being able to help build computers on day 1, (Um..I could play PC, but it's true I couldn't donate day 1 but was able to once I earned 20 mill and donated it al...when we already had 4x as much as we ever used on what it was gathered for, according to Cubs anyway) whined that he didn't manage his finances properly during an IRS accounting error (I joked about it,sure, and complained about how CCP handled it, sorry?), whined when he couldnt bully the CEOs into giving away product to the competition (What?), whined when the CEOs didnt initially want to start a new company with new allstar salespeople (Are we complaining about starting MHPD because Cubs grand plan to assimilate RND didn't work? lolol), and was now berating his own salesTEAM (Oh I told you you were bad doc? soweee). Now he is whining that IBM wont 'lend' 4% of their nestegg to a financially irresponsible 'friend' looking to p1ss it away on starting a new computer company? (Some of us do still want to sell computers!, and I dispute I'm financially irresponsible, I worked hard and made lots of isk XD) Money better spent on bacon and tacos! (Giving it to players that never earned any of it while they work hard at the Pubs.

Cubs and Hightimes decide that they were not having fun in this environment (woulda been easier if the locking had stopped, just saying) and sold the factories.
The product belongs to the company, you are not part of the company nor will you ever be again. (Sadly this is true, if this game had lawyers, and we'd been paid based on # of PC's played, or many other things, I'd sue!

) Your typically Zatara false sense of entitlement (lolol), logical fallacies (pot caling the kettle black) and your need for blame deflection will not be missed (actually, this is really lol because I regularly apologized, unlike most, when I did do something silly, I am imperfect, and I do make tons of mistakes.), however, we did sell a **** ton of computers bro! Cubs and Hightimes have made a decision for the betterment of the companies future (read: LOOK AT ALL THE ZEROES IN MY WALLET!) and for those of us that like selling computers together, no matter the venue, which you made abundantly clear you were not interested in (Oh I said that huh?). IBM is still around and still has salespeople, it might even have factories one day. Until then it needs wise financial decisions made. (Like investing in one of your own salespersons that was so dedicated you promoted him to the board!

, oh wait lol logic)
/End analogy
Good luck with your new corporation, sincerely.
Most of all Zatara, good luck with morale.